Thursday, November 09, 2006


National Agricultural Statistics Service USDA Washington, D.C.

Released November 9, 2006, by the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), Agricultural Statistics Board, U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Peanuts: Area Harvested, Yield, and Production by State
and United States, 2005 and Forecasted November 1, 2006
: Area Harvested : Yield : Production
State: : : : 2006 : :
: 2005 : 2006 : 2005 :-------------------: 2005 : 2006
: : : : Oct 1 : Nov 1 : :
: --- 1,000 Acres -- --------- Pounds -------- --- 1,000 Pounds ---
AL : 223.0 158.0 2,750 1,900 2,100 613,250 331,800
FL : 152.0 120.0 2,700 2,500 2,400 410,400 288,000
GA : 750.0 575.0 2,840 2,500 2,650 2,130,000 1,523,750
MS : 14.0 15.0 3,200 3,000 3,000 44,800 45,000
NM : 19.0 16.0 3,500 3,500 3,500 66,500 56,000
NC : 96.0 85.0 3,000 3,300 3,400 288,000 289,000
OK : 33.0 22.0 3,270 3,000 3,000 107,910 66,000
SC : 60.0 56.0 2,800 3,200 3,000 168,000 168,000
TX : 260.0 150.0 3,750 3,700 3,700 975,000 555,000
VA : 22.0 16.0 3,000 2,950 3,100 66,000 49,600
US : 1,629.0 1,213.0 2,989 2,693 2,780 4,869,860 3,372,150

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1 comment:

site said...

This will not really have effect, I consider like this.